Monday, October 18, 2010

Guidelines for bringing aerobics securely into your everyday life

  • Maintain a comfortable pace. For example, you should be able to hold a conversation while walking briskly. If you do not feel natural again within 10 minutes following exercise, you are exercising too hard. Also, if you have difficulty breathing or feel faint or weak during or after exercise, you are exercising too hard. 
  •  Increase your workout in stages to get the most benefits with the fewest risks. If you have not been exercising, start at a slow pace and gradually increase the amount of time and the pace of your activity as you become more fit.
  •    Select activities that fit your personality and have an element of fun. For example, if you like team sports or group activities, choose basketball or an aerobics class. If you prefer individual activities, choose swimming or walking. Also, plan your activities for a time of day that suits your personality. If you have more energy in the morning, plan activities that can be done at the beginning of the day.
  •  Plan a workout schedule. To gain the most health benefits it is important to exercise as regularly as possible. Alternating your aerobic activities helps to keep the excitement and anticipation in each sport alive.
  • Maximize your safety and comfort. There are legitimate reasons why so many athletics shoes exist in the market today. Diverse exercises like walking and tennis require a shoe designed quite differently than an aerobics or running shoe. Also, the proper workout attire that moves and breathes properly is essential.
  • Encourage your family or friends to support or join you in your activity. When parents are active, their children are more likely to be active and stay active for the rest of their lives.
  •  Challenge yourself. Set short-term as well as long-term goals and celebrate every success, no matter how small.
  •  Whether your goal is to control your weight or just to feel healthier, becoming physically active is a step in the right direction. Take advantage of the health benefits that regular exercise can offer and make physical activity a part of your lifestyle.

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