Friday, October 29, 2010

Be Fit n Fine With Vegetarian Diet

Benefits of a vegetarian diet is to reduce the risk of degenerative diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, gout, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. These diseases are usually triggered by a diet high in animal fat, protein, salt, high sugar, but low in fiber. While a vegetarian diet low intake of animal products.

Vegetarian diet also allows the body a lot of vitamins and mineral substances. In the body, vitamins and minerals are substances regulator, keep and maintain good health. With a healthy body, it can avoid the disease, especially diseases caused by viruses. Higher intakes of fiber sources vegetarian dieters may also prevent the body from the digestive tract cancer risk.

It takes a strong desire to become a vegetarian, especially if you are very fond of animal food. But if you can not do this with a perfect vegetarian diet, try just to do it step by step.

Beer :- The Best Hair Conditioner

Rinse Your hair with beer to add strength and shine

Simple Beer Rinse

Once a month use a can of flat beer after shampooing. 
Choose a beer that does not have a strong odor.  Shampoo and rinse hair as usual.  Pour the flat warm beer on your hair and work it through.   Rinse with lukewarm, not hot, water.  

Cider Vinegar & Beer Rinse

1 oz water
2 teaspoons Cider Vinegar
1 ounce of flat Beer
5 drops Rosemary essential oil (optional)

 Mix all ingredients together.  Shampoo and rinse hair as usual.  Pour the rinse on your hair and work it through. Rinse with lukewarm, not hot, water.  

Jojoba Oil and Beer Conditioner
1 cup warm beer
1 teaspoon jojoba oil
Mix all ingredients together.  Shampoo and rinse hair as usual.  Pour the conditioner on your hair and work it through.  Rinse with lukewarm, not hot, water. 
Jojoba oil is non-greasy and adds shine to your hair while beer adds body.

Beer Styling Tonic

Beer is a very good setting lotion.  It makes hair look healthy and shiny, and gives blown dried hair increased vitality, resilience, and hold.   Spray a little beer into your hair using a pump bottle after shampooing, just before you dry and style your hair.  You can store the beer for a week or two if you keep it in a sealed bottle in the refrigerator.

Most people do not smell the beer after the hair has dried.  If you love a beer rinse, but do not like the scent, take 1 cup of Chamomile tea that has already been boiled and cooled, and pour it slowly throughout your hair.  Let it sit for a few minutes and rinse.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Breakfast Is A Healthy Start

There's no better time to examine breakfast eating habits than at the beginning of the school year. In fact, September has been designated as "Better Breakfast Month."

Studies show that children and adult students who eat breakfast do more and better work in school than those who skip it. In contrast, those who skip breakfast tend to tire more quickly, be more irritable, and react less quickly than those who eat breakfast. Because many of the basic subjects are taught before noon, breakfast is an important meal.

The reasons for skipping breakfast are many. Those most frequently heard include: "There isn't time," "Food that early makes me sick," "I don't like breakfast foods," and "I'm skipping breakfast for weight control."

Mostly these are just excuses. Breakfast doesn't have to take a lot of time. It can be simple or elaborate, cooked or uncooked, eaten sitting down or on- the-run, low or high in calories, mundane or varied. The main thing is to make it part of your morning routine.

Breakfast can be just about anything, from last night's leftover pizza to a peanut butter sandwich to cereal and milk. For the person on the run, a blended smoothee--milk, ice cream and fruit or juice--might hit the spot. If this doesn't appeal, there's always peanut butter, granola or oatmeal cookies. When served with milk, these provide needed energy for kids on the go. Grapes, apples, bananas, hunks of cheese, cartons of yogurt and hard-cooked eggs are other quick and easy on-the-go breakfast ideas. When planning breakfast remember "bread-fruit-milk"--the basic components of a nutritious breakfast.

Saving calories is another common reason people give for skipping breakfast. If your typical breakfast is a couple of donuts and coffee with two teaspoons of sugar, you have good reason to be concerned about the value of the calories you take in. However, the answer is not to skip breakfast, but to select a breakfast that provides nutrients with the fewest calories. For example, a breakfast with 8 ounces of fat-free milk, 1 ounce of dry cereal or toast, and 6 ounces of fruit juice has fewer than 250 calories. Yet it packs enough energy, protein, vitamins and minerals to help you avoid mid-morning fatigue and the subsequent urge to eat anything in sight.

In short, a good nutritious breakfast need not include typical breakfast foods, but eating breakfast is a good habit to start off the school day.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Luscious Healthy Skin

Chocolate's antioxidants are powerful in fighting the environmental stressors that impact the skin and lead to aging. By eating foods that are rich in flavanoids, you arm your skin with natural defenses that help to maintain collagen and reduce sun damage.1 A small German study even showed that subjects given a high flavanol cocoa product had improved skin texture, along with increased skin density, thickness, and hydration.2 Eating chocolate works its magic from the inside out, but applying it to the skin appears to be beneficial too.


Myth Has No Merit
Chocolate lovers rejoice. In spite of the myth that chocolate causes acne, the rich substance has made its way to the ultimate relaxation resource - the spa. Spas and salons throughout the country now offer massages, body scrubs, manicures and pedicures all with the beautifying benefits of chocolate. According to spa owner, Howard Kohlenberg, "Chocolate is very rejuvenating for your skin. It is moisturizing and good for cell renewal." 3 Applying the sticky substance to the body may seem a little unusual, but Leah Porter of the Chocolate Manufacturers Association reminds us that "The mid-19th century is when you first started seeing cocoa butter being used as a moisturizer." 3

Please Help Them So That They Can Survive

Indians and Chinese are some the best people the world has to offer. However, they have maintained vestiges of cruelty more sinister than the practice of Sati in the matter of female foeticide.It is quite possible that the practice of female dowry arose as a result of reduction in the number of men in India due to constant warring and the genetic robustness of the female fetus. Add this to the horrors of the world wars and the partition which impacted males from India. There are no male shortages now, but the practice continues to thrive.

As India becomes a stable country and males do not get consumed to hateful acts by fellow humans, the number of males have gone up. However, the practice of dowry remains stronger than ever. The families that commit female foeticide love their living daughters, however that passion is not extended to the female fetus. The progressive feminine movements tend to have mixed feeling towards this inhuman cruelty as they are in favor or overall freedom of abortion. Their voices get blunted as they have to support both sides of the coin. As females drop in number in a society, society gets destabilized. Similar destabilization, violence and lack of progress is observed in polygamous societies, where females are treated as properties and the source of all violence is to "acquire and control" females.

Here are some ideas to prevent female infanticide and female foeticide:-
- Free education for women up to college and even post graduate education in government run institutions (Similar plans are being implemented in many states in India)
- Males should stand up to their own moms and dads when they start chirping about unwanted female children.
- Create a feminine movement so that women feel a sisterhood towards each other and stand up for a woman in a neighboring house rather than turn a blind eye.
- Refuse marriage of women into households or be very careful of families that have only male children or a very high percentage of males. Chances are high that they did you know what. Again, a few innocents will be in needless trouble, but sometimes poisonous and normal snakes look alike and it is better to get out a stick and protect your own daughters and sisters.
- Do not provide any government incentives to families that have only males. Again the bad snake good snake logic applies. But that is OK. Consider it payback for all the dead female children.
- Provide extra incentives for families that have more than one girl child. This will help correct the gender balance in a few years.
- If you have a female child, educate her and provide her the same opportunities as a male child. This is the one thing that makes female killing folks look foolish and dumb.
- Encourage marriage of males to educated women. Conversely, an educated female class will be more aware of their rights.

Does abortion cause psychological problems?

Several studies have shown that having an abortion does not lead to psychological problems. Although women may regret having to have an abortion the vast majority find that they have no emotional problems after it. 
A small number - about 3% - have long-term feelings of guilt and some of these feel that the abortion was a mistake. But for these women the unwanted pregnancy was usually one of many problems in their lives, and these problems continued after the abortion. There is some evidence that for most of these women not having the abortion would not have improved their situation or might have made it worse.
Many women feel relieved once it is over and, looking back, view the decision to end the pregnancy as regrettable but necessary.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Guidelines for bringing aerobics securely into your everyday life

  • Maintain a comfortable pace. For example, you should be able to hold a conversation while walking briskly. If you do not feel natural again within 10 minutes following exercise, you are exercising too hard. Also, if you have difficulty breathing or feel faint or weak during or after exercise, you are exercising too hard. 
  •  Increase your workout in stages to get the most benefits with the fewest risks. If you have not been exercising, start at a slow pace and gradually increase the amount of time and the pace of your activity as you become more fit.
  •    Select activities that fit your personality and have an element of fun. For example, if you like team sports or group activities, choose basketball or an aerobics class. If you prefer individual activities, choose swimming or walking. Also, plan your activities for a time of day that suits your personality. If you have more energy in the morning, plan activities that can be done at the beginning of the day.
  •  Plan a workout schedule. To gain the most health benefits it is important to exercise as regularly as possible. Alternating your aerobic activities helps to keep the excitement and anticipation in each sport alive.
  • Maximize your safety and comfort. There are legitimate reasons why so many athletics shoes exist in the market today. Diverse exercises like walking and tennis require a shoe designed quite differently than an aerobics or running shoe. Also, the proper workout attire that moves and breathes properly is essential.
  • Encourage your family or friends to support or join you in your activity. When parents are active, their children are more likely to be active and stay active for the rest of their lives.
  •  Challenge yourself. Set short-term as well as long-term goals and celebrate every success, no matter how small.
  •  Whether your goal is to control your weight or just to feel healthier, becoming physically active is a step in the right direction. Take advantage of the health benefits that regular exercise can offer and make physical activity a part of your lifestyle.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Why You Should Never Have Coffee If Hungover

There are people who combine coffee and alcohol and think that they will somehow cancel each other out as one is a sedative and the other a stimulant.

In fact all the research shows that it is actively a bad idea to combine the two of these.

If you have coffee after alcohol it can actually be dangerous, because it can try to get your brain in gear to do things like driving which you should never, ever do when you are under the influence of alcohol under any circumstances.

Therefore it is clearly not a good idea to combine coffee and alcohol quite apart from the fact that when you've got all that alcohol pumping through your system you don't want to have that combined with caffeine as well.

So don't try to use use coffee to sober up - stick to plain old glasses of water for best effect.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Domestic Goodness: Sweet or Salty?

 If you are expecting a debate on popcorn then I apologise but you will be deeply disappointed. Or perhaps not.
A friend recently advised me that he was on a “non-carbs” diet in an attempt to get rid of ‘the tummy’. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that ‘the tummy’ is middle-age spread and won’t be going away. Instead, I responded with “have you stopped drinking vodka then? It is made from potato you know”. A mortified, panic-stricken wail came back through the phone “NO. NO – don’t tell me that. I didn’t know!”
Moments, literally, later, I was formally advised that according to the World Wide Web, “vodka has zero carbs”. Only a man would find the time to check that out. Heaven forbid consumption of alcohol has to be terminated.
In the meantime, all this harping on about the carb content of vodka got me in the mood for a large one … or two.  Which then got me thinking about the extortionate number of ways one can take their vodka and how did I want mine; neat, mixed, with a twist, with an orange, as a shot, as a martini, as a cocktail? Through an ice-luge, through a straw or necked straight from the bottle. So many ways, so few hours!
Eager to get onto my first drink and not wanting to waste time contemplating, I texted aforementioned friend (I remember when you used to phone a friend!) and explained this very unsettling but important predicament. “Well he said, it is simple. It just depends on how you like it. (d’oh). I like mine neat with a sweet cherry that can be licked and nibbled”.
A whole new concept had opened up before me. All this time I had been focusing on the vodka, when in actual fact it was all about what you put in it.
“Well” I replied, “I like mine neat with an olive. Savoury but slightly salted. To suck on, before the vodka hits your insides setting alight an internal glow”
“Simple” he said.  I agreed – however I think he was referring to the vodka decision. I on the other hand was referring to him!  Only a man could have such a simplistic way of thinking, but I was delighted that I could be analysed so easily by a vodka expert (or perhaps ‘lush’ is a more appropriate term’)
What’s more; cherry or olive, I feel sure it would count towards my ‘five-a-day’, so with zero carbs, the vodka diet it is for me!!!

Best natural way to expel pimples

To get rid of pimples in a natural way, one should
 follow the given remedies:

• The first requirement demands proper skin hygiene through daily bath with a splash on the face.
• Apply Multani mati on face and remove it when dried with cold water. This would help in providing you with a blemish-free face.
• Lemon juice is very effective for the treatment of pimples. One should first grind spoonful lentil dal, half spoon rapeseeds and two almonds and add lemon juice in it to make a natural face pack for the treatment of pimples. Similarly, one can rub the internal skin of lemon stem in water and apply on pimples.
• Applying cucumber juice on face or tomato juice on pimples can be an effective remedy.
• Add onion juice in honey and apply on face.
• One can also make a healthy massage mixture for face by mixing turmeric and sandal powder in milk. Similarly, regular application of a mixture made by grinding two spoons of turmeric and half spoon katha with addition of butter can be used as an effective ointment for the treatment of pimple and acne.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How is Acne Treated?

Reasons for treatment
Despite acne being very common, it is still very important to treat it effectively. Acne can be aesthetically and sometimes physically unpleasant. It may cause you pain, recurrent bleeding or discharge. In adolescents it can cause psychological distress and sometimes social problems due to poor self-esteem. Scarring is possible in the long-term, which may cause psychic distress. With early intervention and treatment, however, much of this scarring can be prevented.

Aims of treatment
The main goal of treating acne is to eliminate comedone lesions. This is achieved by normalising skin cell shedding, decreasing the activity of the sebaceous glands, and decreasing the amount of bacteria and inflammation in the skin.
There are both local and systemic medications which can help treat acne. In mild cases, localised therapy applied to the skin should be sufficient.

General measures
Skin affected by acne may be washed several times a day with soap and water. Holding a hot wet flannel on the face, followed by gentle rubbing with a plain soap, may be more effective. Vigorous scrubbing or squeezing of acne should be avoided because it may rupture the comedones and aggravate acne lesions. If dry skin is also a problem, a light moisturiser may help.
While most non-oily cosmetics are relatively safe, excessive makeup should be avoided and removed at bedtime.
Mild acne may benefit from over-the-counter soaps and washes. Check the label to see if the soap or wash contains any ingredients helpful in getting rid of acne (e.g. benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or sulfur).